Dua after Salah

O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance. And exalt Him morning and afternoon.
[Surah Al-Ahzab verse 41-42]


O Allah, open for me the doors of Your mercy. O Allah, verily I seek from You, Your bounty.


Exalted Are you O Allah our Lord, and by Your praise [do I exalt you]. O Allah! Forgive me


All the compliments are for Allah and all the prayers and all the good things (are for Allah). Peace b


Glory be to my Lord the Almighty


Dua for Sajdah (Sujood)

Glory be to my Lord Most High


Dua When Raising From Ruku (1)

Allah heard those who sent praises to Him,

The Power of Dua After Salah

After completing the act of Salah, the connection between the believer and their Creator remains palpable. It is in the moments following this sacred ritual that the heart is most receptive, the soul most open.

Consistency in Reflection

Make the recitation of these daily Duas a consistent practice, weaving spirituality into the fabric of your everyday life. Embrace the transformative power of daily supplication, fostering a deeper connection with your faith and a heightened sense of well-being.

Nourish your soul with the spiritual wisdom encapsulated in “My Daily Duas” and experience the profound impact of incorporating these sacred invocations into your daily routine.